Flat Bed Printing - UV Cured Inks
100% recycled 50 point board
We do UV cured flat bed printing on most common sign making materials.We can also do custom cut shapes in Sintra, Gatorboard, and Ultraboard with our CNC router.
We are especially proud of our new 50 point board product, which is made from 100% recycled paper and can be recycled with your cardboard. It's the perfect product for in-store 22x28 displays, is 100% green, and allows you to have signage that doesn't go into a landfill.
Our equipment can print on just about any substrate up to 1.5" thick. We've also printed on plexiglass, ceiling tiles, tyvek, wallpaper, and acoustic panels, just to name a few.
Typically we are doing retail store signage, trade show graphics, and signs for conferences and events. We've also done outdoor signage for trail head kiosks and ski areas, stores, and political campaigns.
We can produce flat bed printing from all the common graphic design programs.
Lead time is about a week for most jobs.
Here are some examples of work we have done: